Cancer Survivors Day — 21.Dec.2002

Bucharest, 13th of November 2002

  • Romanian Cancer League,
  • Bucharest Oncology Institute,
  • Ministry of Health and Family

21st of December 2002

Cancer Survivors Day

Cancer represents a major public health problem from all over the world.

Cancer healing is, mainly, a problem that involves early diagnose and correct treatment.

Ignorance, fear for the diagnosis, lack of the health education are some of the factors that contribute to a late diagnosis of this disease. It has been demonstrated that through a well managed health promotion program, which to include information – education -communication campaigns for the population as well as individual counseling programs, the risk of death by cancer reduces considerably, especially that one provoked by a behavioral component, like smoking.

Cancer surviving represents the victory in the fight with the disease.

People that won, next to the specialists that helped them, can only be the symbol of the fight and not giving up in front of this so-called “inevitable”, of the necessity of cancer preventing through a healthy lifestyle, risk factors avoiding and trust into the medical team.

Romanian Cancer League, Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. Al. Trestioreanu”, Bucharest, Ministry of Health and Family have organized, in December 2002, some events dedicated to those who, in this hard fight with the disease, has been declared winners – patients together with the team of specialists.

The Cancer Survivors Day, as declared at the initiative of the Romanian Cancer League, on the 21st of December of every year, wishes to be a celebration of the victory against giving up and decision to live, within the winter season celebration. Recognizing the day for the cancer survivors offers the increasing of the public sensitivity as regards to the possibility to win against the disease by a effective prevention and a well conducted management, in time and within the team.

On the 21st of December, a few days before the Holy Celebration of God’s Birth, the cancer survivors that are recorded in the league’s evidence have received presents near the Christmas tree, which has been decorated, especially for them, in the Nottara Municipal Theatre. Moreover, they have been offered the joy of watching a free show, offered by the actors to them.

“The fight against Cancer knows no boundaries. As we move forward in this millennium, we hope to have the opportunity to work together, helping you to shape the cancer control agenda and set the pace for global health within your region” declared the executive director Isabel MORTARA, on behalf of the President and members of the Executive Committee of the International Union against Cancer, in the message for the Cancer Survivors Day.

On the 21st of December, 211 former patients have received presents and a pre-established amount of money as a help for the winter celebrations. The secretary of State, Mrs. Luminita GHEORGHIU from the Ministry of Health attended the formal opening of the Cancer Survivors Day and declared that it is a wonderful initiative to “bring people that suffered together and express solidarity with them in a artistic, joyful event”. Dr. Dana STANCULEANU, Vice-president of the Romanian Cancer League expressed her gratitude for the “former patients that have come here in the middle of the winter just to be together with us today and celebrate the victory of life”. The show room of Nottara Theatre was full. More then the 211 members of the Supporting Group were there. Totally, around 400 survivors attended the event.

Motto of the Day: Let’s be together in the fight for life!


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