Romanian Cancer League in the period december 2002 till now has organized a serie of events in asociation with other institution and organizations.
The main events are as follow:
- The celebration of Cancer’s Survivors on 21th December 2002 organized to “Nottara” Theatre Bucharest in partnership with “Nottara” Theatre Bucharest, City Hall Sector 1 Bucharest, “Prof. Al. Trestioreanu “Oncologic Institute-Bucharest and Ministry of Healthy and Family.
- “Rabbit celebration” organized on Eastern for children from defavorized areas of Ilfov County and children diagnosed with leukaemya, in association with The Direction for Child’s Protection from sector 1-Bucharest, World Vision, Romanian Patriarhia and “Libertatea” Newspapper.
- “World Day without smoking” on 31 May, organized at Ministry of Health and Family. Partners in this event were Ministry of Health, “Prof. Al. Trestioreanu” Oncologic Institute Bucharest, City Hall of sector 1-Bucharest, Aerpur, Romanian Ortodox Church.
- The screening of 380 women for early detection of breast and utherine cervix cancers. This screening has included a number of free medical services such as a mammography, a Papanicolau citology test and a training for prevention and detection of cancer. This action was possible due to support of Oncologic Institute Bucharest and it’s specialists.
- Initiation of program “A chance for your life” dedicated to children with age between 10 and 18 years and for women over 18 years age, in association with City Hall of sector 1-Bucharest, Direction for Child’s Protection of sector 1, Party of the RRomanis, “Saint Maria” Clinical Hospital, “Filantropia” Clinic Hospital, World Vision International Organization. The objecvtives of this program are: sexual and contraception education; education for health of reproduction and monitoring. Sponsorship of three children suffering from leukaemya. Actually, we are preparing the “Celebration of Cancer’s Survivors” that will be presented on 21-th of December and we are continuing the screening of 700 women who are expected to be included in this program.